/The davening team went old school, put the garageband to work, and we've got you blessings for candle lighting, kiddush, and motzi for your shabbat tables. We even went into the rehearsal archive to bring some potent melodic healing. (Read: These are not professional recordings).
Marilyn, the Kitchen’s Ritual Maven, has included the text for the recorded prayers, so you can sing along.
Here is ‘Ufros Aleinu’ from Hashkiveinu, our nighttime prayer for peace. We pray: ‘Ufros Aleinu’: spread over us the shelter of Your peace. (Read:: ’and please, please, do not spread over us the germs).
And here is: Ki L’Olam Hasdo: Because Your lovingkindness goes on and on (and on) from the Shabbat morning service--to remind us that when a virus says: stay home (and we do), we’ve got to show up--whether it’s virtually, or with a hazmat suit on--with lovingkindness, across distances large and small, for family, for our community, and for those whom we don’t even know.