Judaism is about provoking awe and purpose. That's what we're here for.

We believe that Jewish religious practice can transform: It can change lives, make meaning, and invest people in the world. This transformation requires a flexible, living ecosystem of Jewish experiences. So we’re building it.

The Kitchen is a religious community, deeply grounded in serious exploration of Jewish tradition, text, and ritual. We are creating a spiritually engaging community of seekers at all levels of Jewish knowledge and experience.

The Kitchen does not welcome people only because we aspire to be tolerant, accessible, or inclusive. We welcome people because we ARE those people. There are no insiders or outsiders, there are no others here. We are all others and we are all members of modern families. We begin from a place of yes: Every question and request is met with a sense of possibility, optimism and embrace.

At The Kitchen we combine elements of the unexpected, secular, and beautiful in the exploration of Jewish life. We insist that Jewish practice be relevant, a tool for greater investment in the world. At the same time, we practice irreverent reverence—looking for the places where the every-day draws attention to the divine, and the mundane emphasizes what’s holy.

We believe in pursuing justice in our lives and our communities. The Kitchen is committed to working toward the prevention of hunger, violence, homelessness, disease, ignorance, abuse, and oppression among all people.

We know the challenges are great. But the prize is even greater: A transformative religious community with room for many expressions of serious Jewish living and a collective power to do good.

Here, we aspire to do nothing more than other generations have done before us: harness the power of Jewish life in our time. 


 1 part indie spiritual community
 1 part SF-based experiment
 1 part Jewish "action tank"
Shake well and serve.

We're a religious start-up. And we’re building a connected, spiritually alive Jewish generation and a new resonant approach to religious life in San Francisco. 

Download The Kitchen field guide (aka everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-us) below.